Friday, August 15, 2008

Draft Day

Today is the day...okay, not that day (at least that I know of - no call, yet :)). No, no it's the annual live fantasy football draft hosted at our house. Tired of being football widows, several of the wives, girlfriends, etc. decided to try and join in the obsession so we could 1) understand, 2) be more knowledgeable, and 3) see our significant others. Little did we know, that three years later we would 1) still be playing, 2) actually enjoy it, and 3) mostly know the players and understand the game. To say that our men are proud of us is a bit of an understatement. :)

Over the past three years, we've lost a few women who just didn't have the time or interest but we have gained others who are willing to give it a try. This year we will have 8 teams - 5 returning, 3 new. Last year, after a rough season, my team (the ChocoFrogs - inspired by Harry Potter) finished 2nd. This year, I will be debuting my new and hopefully winning team...LaughingWombatZingers. There is no rhyme or reason to the name - it just sounded like a good one for this year. :)

Twelve men will gather in our dining room intensely weighing their options as if their life depended on it. Eight women will gather in the loft upstairs, laughing, chatting, and drafting with a little less intensity. Papers and computers will be spread out by both groups as selections are made. Food and beverages will be will be had by all. Critiques, analysis and comparison of teams will conclude the evening.

Andrew is praying that our hoped-for baby boy will wait until at least midnight tonight before deciding to make an appearance. :) Yay for the start of another season!

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