Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Things of Note (or not)

- I like being an adult because it means I don't have to eat the crust (when the kids aren't looking, of course :)).

- Evidently Twinkle, Twinkle got it all wrong - it's a big, BIG star according to Calvin who yelled at me that it wasn't little.

- Our tomatoes are beautiful and bountiful this year and we've enjoyed sharing them with neighbors! I need to put some in the freezer.

- Our zuchini is not good at all - first time we've ever had them fail.

- Seeing things at the fair is overrated...animals and tractors are good enough. That and eating...

- Resigning indefinitely from one of my jobs was a difficult but necessary part of this week. It's been a pleasure working there.

- Getting mentally prepared for a new baby has been a challenge. Somehow it just doesn't feel real yet.

- I LOVE watching the Olympics!

- I'm absolutely exhausted and have gone to bed early pretty much every night since the weekend.

- I think Lindt chocolate truffles are soooo delicious.

- Fantasy Football season starts in less than a month - I should probably prepare. It's my 3rd season and may get a post all it's own.

- Diet Coke, coffee, and iced tea make life all that much better!

- Crunching ice is a horrible, very bad habit but oh, it's so good - especially crushed ice!

- I'm stalling some work I need to do this evening...I have a meeting tomorrow...I probably should get it done...but blogging is so much better....

So, there you have a few random things for today. And yes, we are still here and may be for awhile - who knows?! My heart stops a little every time the phone rings, though! :) Oh and to answer a question from the previous post - we will stay in KY for 1-2 weeks for the paperwork to be in order.


Anonymous said...

Reid and I both laughed at "Big, Big" star! Which job did you resign from? If it was Conner, the beautiful thing about them is that they will take you back... even if it's been a long time (at least I'm pretty sure they will!).

Alaina said...

I actually quit one of my dental offices...I've worked there for 7 years and it was hard. CP has been so great about respecting my time and priorities and allowing me to work from home on editing etc. So I've kept it, for now. :) The dental office was not demanding, I just needed to cut back and focus my energy elsewhere...

Anonymous said...

Whew! I was worried there...

Paula said...

I love diet coke and coffee too, unfortunately my stomach doesn't .. boo hoo
Glad you cut back on your work.
It doesn't seem real to me either.

Gretchen said...

I just love learning little ( excuse me - BIG) tidbits about fellow bloggers. :)

I'm so excited for you. You will definitely need a Moses basket to take to KY with you. It's much easier than a Pack-N-play for the new little one. We are getting a lot of use out of ours. I also recommend a Boppy pillow if you don't already have one. Oh, and a sling. Those are the things i have most used.

Mama10EE said...

I met a young man (18 years old) today who has a 6 month old daughter. Yesterday he decided to sign away his parental rights...the mother of the child lied to him about not being the father but after paternity tests it was proven that indeed the baby girl is his. I thought of your family, and saw for the first time the struggle of a father who has never been allowed to see his baby (the mother refused, now the child is in foster care after being removed from the mother) making what was truly the hardest decision he has ever had to make in his life. I commended him for such a mature decision, and prayed that the baby girl will somehow know that her dad did what he thought was best for her. Not because he didn't want her, but because he doesn't have the capability to care for her. I also thought about how lucky your little guy will be when he gets to come home with you. Praying for a very smooth transition...oh and your box will be complete this weekend and mailed Monday for sure!