Monday, August 18, 2008


**UPDATED: We we will continue to post here as our journey continues.**
(we will mostly call him 'Ty')
One Happy & Thankful Family
If you would like pictures and stats, please shoot us an e-mail or leave a comment and we will be more than happy to send them! We've been advised to not post pictures and we had already discussed concerns with how easily our blog is found just via our first names (since mine is unusual). We thought about making it private but we have quite a number of readers (at the moment) and blogger limits the number you can have. So our immediate solution is to keep it public but not post pictures or specifics. We are more than happy to share it with you though! We'll try to get something out right away to many of you but if you don't get it, please just ask - you aren't being skipped on purpose! :) Thanks for understanding! Oh and congratulations to the 26% (or 16) of you who guessed the name correctly!


Heather said...

I love it! Even though I guessed wrong. . . (sigh)

Micah said...

I LOVE the name! I guess that means I need to get to work =). And do I really need to say that I would like to receive the pictures ;)? I had actually wondered if you would be keeping your blog public after this. Hope you have a good nights rest tonight. Maybe you can relax a little? I know your heart goes out to C. Mine does too...

Kjersten, Steve, Aitugan & Nurai said...

Congratulations to Ty and the rest of his family!

This is the first time that I have posted a comment to you in a while but we've been following your journey and keeping all of you in our thoughts. Until recently we had fallen behind a bit on following blogs so were surprised to see how quickly this latest adoption fell into motion. It was only 2 months ago, at Kazapalooza, that we were talking with one another about starting another adoption. You never know what the next the will bring. : ) In this case it's boy number three!!!!

We are already excited to meet Ty, and see the rest of you, at Kazapalooza next year.

We will keep all of you, as well as C., in our hearts and thoughts. Be well,
KJ, Steve and Tougy

Heather L. said...

Congratulations!!! We're so excited for you! It's so great to finally have a name we can associate with your little baby! Can't wait to see pictures!

Barbie said...

PLEASE send me pics and stats!!!

I am so happy for you!

Kim said...

Hip Hip Hooray! Congratulations! I am thrilled for you.

He is beautiful!


Jodee said...

Thank you so much for sending me the picture and stats! Ty is absolutely gorgeous! I hope things continue to go well for you.

Deb said...

Great name. Congratz!

Monica said...

I can see why it is that you MUST cuddle him!!! Precious.

Love the name, by the way!!

Anonymous said...


I have been a 'lurker' on your blog for quite some time...which I found after doing some research on the internet about Int'l adoption.

Anyway, God's richest blessing and protection on your family.


Kate Ambrose said...

I love the name! Congratulations!

I'd love specifics. Do you have my email? Don't worry if it's too much trouble right now, I'll just bug you when you get home! :)

What an incredible blessing for your family, and for little Ty!

Amy K said...

Love the name! Can't wait to meet little Titus. :)

Anonymous said...

He is adorable! Congrats guys... I know there is still a long road ahead but look how far you've come! And believe me, I'll be praying for C to find comfort in her decision.

jennie said...

He is beautiful!!! Congrats!! I love the name. Can not wait to meet him. I am so glad that Connor will have a friend at church so close to his age.

gayle said...

Congratulations~ I'd love to see pictures -- I continue to pray for you all--

Smith Family Blog said...

LOVE the name! Can't wait to see pictures! I'll shoot you an email. :)

mamabea said...

Hi! I would love to be included in your adoption journey. You do not know me but I have a few connections with working in a Christian high schools with one of your blogger friend's husband and also using KidsFirst Adoption agency in 2002 when we adopted our daughter from Russia. Your journey brings me hope during our struggles with attachment disorder. Many blessings to you.