Friday, August 22, 2008

Big Prayer Request

All the paperwork has been approved here but the office in our state is saying that they don't have everything they need. It's Friday. So the long and short of it is that we can't go home, we don't know what they need, and we don't know when we will be able to go home - could be a early next week or it could be much longer. We are so discouraged and down today. Please pray that everything will be quickly sorted out on Monday. It's been another bump in the road but Ty is completely worth it. We miss our other boys so much. So some tears are shed today - we don't have a lot of answers so please just pray.


Paula said...

Alaina, I'm so sorry about the paper delay. What a bummer not to be able to go home. I'll br praying for you guys.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry about the paperwork as well. I completely understand missing your little guys. If you can, try and look at this weekend as a gift where you can spend your time focused just on Ty... and one another.

Kim said...

Oh man, paperwork delays - such are the joys of adoption. I will definitely be praying that everything is sorted out quickly so you can return home as soon as possible.


Heather said...

call me if there is something else I can do

Anonymous said...

how frustrating! SORRY. Hope things get sorted out soon!

Anonymous said...

Love you,
It's very frustrating to have to wait on the paperwork, but perseverance wins. I can just imagine how much you miss your big boys. However, I am sure you know they are being well cared for. They are so much fun. I would love to see pictures of them when they meet their little brother. They will be so happy to see you and Andrew, too. They are such a blessing, and they will love Ty. I had asked our minister to pray for you as you proceeded through the adoption process, and he sent a short note to respond. Many prayers are being sent, and Alaina and Andrew you will be receiving God's blessing. At times we have to practice being patient. Enjoy your time with Ty now. You will have a busy schedule when you come home. God is so good to us all of the time. Hope to hear that you'll be home soon. The big boys will be happy to welcome you with hugs.
God bless all of you.
Love you so much,
Grandma Judd

Gretchen said...

That stinks. Sorry you have to wait longer but like you sad he is worth it. :) hope the paperwork is finished ASAP!

The Cook said...

Thinking of you and hoping you are home soon.