Friday, August 29, 2008


We're Going Home!!!!


Barbie said...

That is awesome news Alaina!!! I am so excited for you all to be together and being able to settle in as a family of FIVE!!!!!!!

Heather said...


Paula said...

Praise God!

Micah said...

Hallelujah! So happy for you all, and can't imagine how relieved you'll be to get back in the swing of things. Just a word of caution that the sweet little boys you left may be a little out of sorts when you get home =). But don't stress over it! Things will be back to normal in no time! It's a big transition for everyone!

I'm sorry I haven't commented much lately - I've been completely swamped taking care of Mom (she fell and broke her ankle), but I have been checking every so often. Ty is such a beautiful baby!!! I just wish I could enlarge the pictures so I could see him better (I'm sure there will be lots more in the future =). Hope to see you all soon!

jennie said...

So excited for you! Let me know if there is anything I can do to help for Monday.

Monica said...

Welcome home!!

Anonymous said...

Welcome Home!! What good news!!!
God has seen you through the many frustrations, and he surely has been with you always. I am so excited to know that you are home.
Kisses and hugs for everyone.
Love you so much,
Grandma Judd

Mama10EE said...

That's so great! Can't wait to hear about Ty's homecoming!

Gretchen said...

That's great! Have a safe trip home.

Kim said...

Wonderful news! Wishing you a safe trip home.


Loraena Tuttle said...

That is wonderful! I am so happy for you!

Anonymous said...

Hooray! Let us know when you're safe and settled!

Thad and Ann said...


Anonymous said...

what fantastic news! congratulations!