Sunday, August 17, 2008

Quick One

We are feeling better - praise the Lord! Hopefully it will stay away! Andrew went to the hospital early this morning and I stayed to rest for awile because I was still not feeling quite right. I was so glad he was feeling back to normal and was able to go because it broke my heart to have to leave last night. He is on his way back to the hotel to get me so I can go love on my baby boy. :) Thank you, thank you for the prayers. We will update later if we get a chance...or you may be getting sick of 2 and 3 posts a that case, sorry, they probably won't stop at the moment. :)


Barbie said...

So glad you both are feeling better!! Keep the posts coming!! I love being able to keep up with what is happening and be able to pray for you.

Andrew Wiggins said...

We aren't tired of the posts at all. Keep them coming. I'm checking regularly. We're praying! We saw the boys yesterday with your Mom. They looked happy.


Gretchen said...

Keep the posts coming! We love to hear as much as we can. :) Glad you are feeling better and hope you can take baby boy out of the hospital soon.

Karen said...

Wow--so much has transpired since I last visited your blog. It sounds like you've been through a whirlwind of emotions, no wonder you're not feeling well. I pray everything works out and that Monday, the little baby boy you've grown to love will be a part of your family.


Anonymous said...

We certainly don't mind the updates!!

Jen said...

Still praying and can't WAIT to see pictures of your new little guy.