Friday, August 15, 2008


Well...I had this whole post about the draft scheduled for today (see below)... BUT INSTEAD WE HAVE A BABY!!!! At this point, all we know is that she had it at home (that was, of course, unplanned :). I was already to leave for work this morning but we will be leaving for Kentucky instead! We are so excited and I'm a teary mess. Pray for us! We'll update as we are able!


Kate Ambrose said...

AHHH! That's wonderful!!! You guys will be in our prayers the next few weeks. I'm so happy for you!

Let us know details when you can! Do you know what part of KY you're staying in?

Brian and Raendra said...

We are so excited for you. We are praying for you all. Let us know if there is anything we can do for you, or if you need anything.

We love you.

Alicia said...

WOOOOO HOOOOO!!!! God is good.

Monica said...

Amazing!!!!! Can't wait to hear all about it. Enjoy your time- these first few days are so precious. And please call if you have any newborn questions/hospital questions. It's likely they will be observing the baby for a while because he was born at home, but I pray all else is well.

I think I'll smile all day!!

Katrina said...

EEEEEEE!!! :) So I'm crying here at work, I'm so happy for you guys!!! Praying it all goes well!!! :) :) :)

Anonymous said...

I'm a teary mess tooo! OH MY GOODNESS!
This is so exciting and I can't wait to hear more!

Kim said...

Oh my goodness, I'm a teary mess too! Congratulations! I am so incredibly happy for your family.

Loraena Tuttle said...

OH wow! I'm praying today! Will eagerly await updates!

Gretchen said...

That's fantastic! congrats, safe travels, and good luck. We will be thinking of you all. Maybe we will see each other after all????

Heather L. said...

We're so excited! We'll be thinking of you all day and the next few weeks!

Jenny B said...

Praise GOD!!! I am so excited for you all. I am praying for you as you welcome this little one into your family.

Merrilee said...


Micah said...

W-O-W!!! Totally NOT what I was expecting when I clicked on your name today =). YEAH!!!! We're SO excited to hear more!! Congrats!!!

Amy K said...

How exciting!! This is WAY better than Fantasy Football!!!! We can always reschedule that. :)

We are praying for you! Let us know when you get to hold your new baby in your arms. Can't wait for pics!


Jen said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! SO excited and can't wait to see pictures!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe it! Every time I see there is an updated post from you, as I click your link I think "maybe this will be the post)... and now it is! I can't wait to hear all about your trip to Kentucky, see pictures of your boy, etc. We are all thinking and praying loads for you over the next few weeks (even if he did interrupt your draft!).

gayle said...

Congratulations! I'll pray for peace and encouragement (strength sufficient for any undertaking) as you enter this new round of parenthood!

Blessings to you both!

Paula said...

Oh my Gosh, two weeks early. WOW, I'm so happy for you and can't wait to see his sweet little face.

Paula said...

Oh my Gosh, two weeks early. WOW, I'm so happy for you and can't wait to see his sweet little face.

Rutledge - the older one said...

What a great adventure!!

It is a joy to pray for you four, and the birth mom, especially the baby, and all concerned. We know that God is firmly in control of the situation as it exists now, and of every detail of all of the implications spreading out down into the years, decades, centuries, and millenia, and beyond.

We'll be checking back here to see how things go!
