Friday, August 15, 2008


Please keep the prayers coming...things have not gone quite as planned. Remember the 60% statistic...we still aren't sure if she is going to sign. She says yes but has waffled. Due to his unexpected entry, she did see him and that has been hard for her. We just left the NICU (he's doing okay) so she could see him - she says for goodbye but we do not take anything for granted. We are nervous wrecks and just praying that all will work out and that we will be able to come home with a baby. We know that we may not and that would be so sad for us.

He is adorable!


jennie said...

Been thinking of you guys all day. We will continue to pray for strength for you and Andrew and for courage for this mother.
We love you guys.

Anonymous said...

Still praying for the birth mother to have the courage. i know the Lord will prevail in what is best.

Anonymous said...

I have also been thinking about you all day. I know that whatever decision is made it will be the right one... but I hope and pray that the birth mother has the courage to see that the four of you are the perfect family for this little guy... and to remember why she chose you to be his parents.

Micah said...

Oh, Alaina, I'm just shaking for you. We will be praying extra hard. I can't imagine what you're feeling right now. Love you all.

Andrew Wiggins said...

We are praying for the Holy Spirit to be your comforter right now. May God's perfect peace indwell you.

Love - Wiggins Family

The Cook said...

thinking of you...hang in there. hugs from chicago

Monica said...

Hang in there, Alaina. I can't stop thinking and praying for all of you. God is at work here. This is a defining moment in the lives of all of you. You are incredible parents.

Kim said...

I am definitely praying for you today. He will give your strength!

Monica said...

Alaina, I'm prompted to share this having been the nurse for a few postpartum moms who are adopting out their babies. I hope this is not too late to help if needed. It is so hard for these moms and postpartum emotions make it even more crazy and confusing for them.

I've seen the adoptive parents interview the mom (you may have already done this) about themselves- favorite childhood memories, favorite foods/book/color.... as well as a family health history. This dialog turned from awkward to peaceful for both sides by the end. The birth mom really wanted to know that she would not be a forgotten piece of the child's history. It was still hard, but beneficial to hear from the adoptive parents their intentions again and true gratitude for bringing a beautiful life into the world.

Paula said...

Alaina, I'm praying for you guys too.

Thad and Ann said...

I'm praying for you-

Cindy-Still His Girl said...

Monica sent me over. Praying right this minute!

Gretchen said...

We are thinking of you. ((hugs))

Kate Ambrose said...

Praying, so hard for everyone!

zheuzhyk said...

I didn't hear till this afternoon but have been thinking about you all and praying since then. Hang in there, we'll keep praying, and be anxious to hear whenever you have news. Ps 90. Cariann

Heather L. said...

We've been thinking of you and praying for you all day and trusting for God's strength and grace for you all. We love you!

Heather said...

I have been praying for everyone all day! Be stong, God loves you.

Mama10EE said...


Holly Trawick said...

Praying for your family!