Monday, August 18, 2008

Monday Morning Update

Baby boy is doing well this morning. He was a little spitty with his last feeding but overall has done better. His jaundice is much improved and they have removed one light and reduced the intensity of the remaining two. The pediatrician (who is great, by the way!) wants to keep him until tomorrow. So hopefully he will be released tomorrow morning and paperwork can start. Four days has felt like a week or more. His bruising is improving which is good - he has had some hemorrhage in his eyes do to the traumatic birth.

The missing document is being tracked down. Please continue to pray that they will be willing to overnight what we need. We need it ASAP. Papers are scheduled to be signed tonight.

We are loving taking care of him and can't wait for him to be free of all the cords! They did take out the IV this morning and the monitors are off but the cords have not been removed. He LOVES being held and is responding to our voices and touch. He looks up at us and sometimes even smiles (involuntary, I'm sure, but I'll take it!). He has stolen our hearts. We can't wait to introduce him to Calvin & Patrick and to be a family of 5! We continue to hope and pray that all will work out. Maybe the next post will be pictures, stats, and name???? I hope so!


Heather L. said...

I hope so too! Can't wait to see a picture and hear the name!!! so glad he is doing well!

Heather said...

oh I have goose bumps! I am so thrilled for you guys and the progress that is going on - to God be the glory for everything!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for the next post!

Micah said...

I'm SO READY for the next post =). It sure sounds like things are coming together and looking more and more sure. We will still be praying that the paperwork goes smoothly. Love you, and anxious for you to bring that little boy home!

Gina and Teagan said...

I have been following your story (found your blog through Muriel) and am so excited for your family. I hope everything moves along smoothly, can't wait to pics of you littly guy =)

Monica said...

Yeah!! What great news. We are anxiously waiting.

Kate Ambrose said...

Yay, I'm so glad he's doing better! We're praying for you, and can't wait to hear all the stats!

Gretchen said...

I'm so excited for you all. Just wait until you have him with you all the time. It's so much better than at the hospital. :) Glad he is doing so much better and you get that form quickly!

zheuzhyk said...

We're anxious for your next post! Really, whatever the news is, we're happy to read it and keep praying!



Karen said...

A good update, thanks for sharing. Like everyone else here, I'm waiting for that next post.

Smith Family Blog said...

We can't wait for the name and pictures!

Jodee said...

Glad to hear things are continuing to go well. Can't wait to see the little guy!

Micah said...

Okay, guys, it's 6:00... we're just not sure if we can wait any longer...