Saturday, August 16, 2008


We are hanging in there. We had a good night of sleep and are headed back to the hospital (they were at capacity last night in the maternity ward and the baby is in the NICU so we both stayed at a hotel). We are trying to protect our hearts but it's pretty near impossible - we spent most of the afternoon and evening with him yesterday and he is just so sweet and so cute! We won't be posting pictures or name until things are signed. There are still too many unknowns at this point and we certainly do not feel that this is for sure. Please continue keep us in your thoughts and prayers. It's been an emotional roller coaster.

You all have been such blessing with your kind words, encouragement, excitement, and prayers - thank you from the bottom of our hearts!


Michael L. said...

Thanks for the update. Heather and I were praying for you before bed last night, and I woke up this morning thinking about you and praying for you. Ps 22:9-10 was a passage particularly on my heart as I was praying this morning, simply as a text that shows God's delight to use parents to show his own love to infants. May he do so, with whatever parenting he puts in place, for this little guy. Meanwhile, we continue to pray for peace for you both and the birth mom as he providentially guides that arrangement, whatever it turns out to be. Thanks for the update.

jennie said...

Darrin and I are praying for you today. I don't have words for either of you, but know that our hearts are there with you and we will be thinking of you and praying for you all day today. No matter what happens you have people back here who love both of you and will be here for you no matter what the outcome.

Kim said...

I can't imagine what you both are feeling right now but know that you have lots of people praying for you. No matter what happens, God will get you through it. I will be praying for you all day!

Micah said...

I don't know what God has in mind for this situation, but I do know that He sees the big picture, and He will do whatever is best for everyone involved. It is so wonderful to serve such an awesome God. We are praying so hard for you guys. As soon as I woke up this morning I rushed in to see the update. Can you tell us anymore about what kind of time frame you are looking at? When is the birth mom supposed to sign? And where does the birth father fit into all of this? So anxious to hear any details. Love you!

Anonymous said...

I second the thoughts of all of the posts here... especially Micah. I know that this situation is supposed to teach not just the two of you but all of us something. Keep your heads up. We are all thinking of you all day long.

Amy K said...

We are praying ... I know this is very hard and stressful. How can you help but love this little baby but, at the same time, you have to hold back. We know God has a perfect plan but it has to be so hard for you right now to trust that and WAIT!! Keep us posted. We care! And we are praying!

Heather said...

Still praying. . . God loves you both so much - I know you know that, but I also know it is so wonderful to hear.

Anonymous said...

Hello! I just found your blog the other day and have been reading. I wish you all a happy ending (or start)!

Stacy said...

uPraying big prayers that you get to bring home your precious little bundle.