Sunday, August 17, 2008

Four Prayer Requests

God has been answering in amazing ways and we appreciate all the prayer support! Here are four specific ways you can pray:

1) Baby Boy has jaundice and is being treated with three photolights. Pray the numbers will go down quickly. This is not unexpected - his face is VERY bruised and he was a little early which both increase the chance.

2) Pray that he will make enough progress to be released sometime tomorrow. The TPR can be signed tomorrow but evidently our paperwork cannot start processing until he is released.

3) We requested a document two weeks ago and we were told that it was sent out 10 days ago but we have yet to receive it. Pray that we will be able to sort that out quickly tomorrow and get things overnighted to avoid delay.

4) Please also pray for our two precious sons at home. It's hard being away from them (even though they are in great hands!). We miss them.

Finally, we are so thankful to report that baby boy is doing better with eating! We talked to the doctor this morning (thanks for the reflux tip, Monica!) and she made a couple of changes. He has done much better today and hopefully that will continue to work! We are headed back to the hospital after having some dinner during their shift change. We continue to feel well - big praise!


Jodee said...

So glad to hear you are feeling better and things are going fairly well.

Can't wait to see pictures of your little guy!

jennie said...

Thanks for the update. Keep them coming. We will continue to pray!

Monica said...

We prayed for you at church tonight- you are in all our thoughts and prayers. Glad he made it under the lights now so that he didn't have to be readmitted later.

I was thinking what a blessing it is that you all have this time alone with just him to bond before rushing back into busy family life. Enjoy your little baby boy!

Heather L. said...

Thanks for giving us updates! I think we all feel like we are on this journey with you and so we are eager for any news. Your kids looked like they were having a great time when we saw them today. :)

Heather L. said...

BTW, what nice names! ALL of them are really nice!

Anonymous said...

This is so exciting! We have been reading your blog every chance we get. We are praying that everything goes smoothly. Praise the Lord!

Paula said...

Prayers going out. We're with you. Praying for good news and looking forward to seeing you home with your little guy!

Karen said...

Sounds like you've made some good progress—praying that it continues that way.

Deb said...

So happy to check in and see that the baby boy is here. I'll be praying for him to quickly improve in all areas.

Anonymous said...

Thoughts and love being sent your way this morning!