Thursday, October 11, 2007

And Maybe Fall is Here...

Is anybody else as glad as I am to see fall make an appearance?! Fall is my favorite season and quite frankly, I'm a little tired of the summer clothes. It's time for that crisp chill that necessitates long sleeves and hoodies. There is really nothing like a sweater and jeans.

And I love the food that accompanies fall - stews, soups, apples, pumpkin, hot bread, cider etc. I have the constant urge to bake and fill the house with fantastic smells. [Side note: for the sake of our health, I seriously limit this and burn pumpkin or apple candles instead. :)]

Really, the only bad thing about fall is that it's the preamble to cold, damp, dark winter. But then I guess that means Christmas (my favorite holiday of all time!) is right around the corner so I guess I really can't dislike fall leading to winter too much... :)

Anyway, Happy Fall Everyone! Hope it's here to stay!

**In honor of fall, I have given the blog a bit of a color facelift.**


Barbie said...

I love fall too. It is my favorite season. The kids and I have really been enjoying the cooler weather by spending lots of time outdoors! Your boys are so adorable!! You have a wonderful family.

Anonymous said...

I too love fall! And I was so relieved that even though we are living in a "desert valley" there are trees here that are changing colors (looking out my office window there are greens, yellows and beautiful reds!). One of the jobs for this weekend is getting out our sweaters and putting away our summer clothes!