Saturday, October 20, 2007

Happy Birthday, Andrew!

Today is Andrew’s birthday! I’m so thankful God brought him into my life. He is my best friend, confidante, and lover. He completes me. We are different and we come from very different upbringings but God in His wisdom knew that we needed each other.

This year has been one of the most exciting as our roles as husband and wife expanded to include being parents (we had only been home for 5 days on his birthday last year). It is with joy that I have watched Andrew excel in this new role. Our boys are so excited for Daddy to get home and the weekends are our favorite because he usually gets to be home with us for two whole days!

Throughout our journey to becoming a family, he was my rock and encourager. I’ll never forget the look on his face when we first laid eyes on our children. A father’s heart is so incredible!

Andrew is a sweet, generous, caring person. His love is constant and his patience is amazing. He challenges me to be a better person, a stronger believer, and a true football fan. :) He makes me feel important. He assures me that everything I make is wonderful – I’m sure it’s not. :) He tells me I’m pretty and creative even when I tell him repeatedly that I don’t believe him. :) He does the dishes many nights because he knows I dislike doing them. He is a handyman and does many home projects. He supports me in my roles as wife and mother and my work as a hygienist. He loves me for who I am - crazy ideas, slight OCD and all.

I’m thankful to God for the gift of my husband. I’m thankful for the man God is constantly molding him to be. I pray that God will give us many years together and that we will continually serve God better together than we ever could have a part. I love you, honey.

Happy Birthday to the greatest guy ever!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Andrew!

Karen said...

Happy Birthday Andrew. Here's to many, more more years to come—you've got a lot to live for.

Karen said...

Oops...meant to say many, many more years to come.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Andrew!

Stephanie said...

happy birthday Andrew!!! May this year be filled with lots of love and laughter (and also good reading and game playing). :) I'm so thankful you're a part of our family!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Andrew! What a beautiful tribute you wrote about that "special man" in your life Alaina. Andrew her message was so heartfelt and true, and I agree with her 100%. God bless you and your family.

Love always,
Grandma Judd

Petula said...

I got so excited when I read the title of your post that I didn't read the whole thing! My Andre's birthday was on the 20th!! Similar names and same date! What about that... and he turned 4!

Happy Birthday Andrew!