Saturday, October 27, 2007

Pad Thai

Today I was craving Pad Thai – strange, I know. So I went to the cupboard to see what I had on hands and went to to see what went into it. I quickly realized that I didn’t have all (or maybe even most) of the ingredients so I looked at a couple of recipes and came up with my own from the pantry.

Y’all, it was yummy and definitely pad thaiish (I love making up words)! Everyone had seconds and a couple even had more (not me or Patrick) and the boys loved the long noodles. Andrew was disappointed that I didn’t write the exact measurements down as I went but here’s what I found and included in the Pad-Thai-My-Way (or Pantry-Pad-Thai): Ketchup, soy sauce, creamy peanut butter, curry, lime juice, crushed red pepper, eggs, oil, butter, canned chicken, 1/2 package dry linguine, peanuts, sugar, and onion.

I sautéed the chicken in some butter to flavor it then I removed it and put some oil in the wok and cracked 4 eggs into it. I cooked it until the eggs were scrambled – I added the cooked pasta and chicken to the wok, poured my secret (even to me) sauce over it all, and threw in about 1/3 of a med. onion finely chopped and about ¼ cup coarsely chopped peanuts. Tossed it all together for a couple of minutes and served.

Okay the sauce had maybe ¼ c. soy sauce, ¼ c. ketchup, 2 Tb. Peanut butter, 2 tsp. lime juice, 2 tsp. sugar, ½ tsp. curry, and ¼ tsp. crushed red pepper (I think red pepper flakes would have been good but I didn’t have any). That’s my best guess at the proportions.

Anyway, it was good and cheap and fixed my insane craving. :) So that’s what we had for lunch on this dreary Saturday!


Anonymous said...

It sounds good! I like pad thai too!

Catherine said...

Yum, I love pad thai. I actually have some pad thai noodles in the pantry, maybe I'll have to try your recipe this week!

Petula said...

Sounds yummy!

Anonymous said...

Sounds delicious!

Katrina said...

I tried making Pad Thai once ..... I used peanut butter, but it ended up being one solid lump. We couldn't eat it. I stick with the Pad Thai that you can buy in the box at the store now! ;) But I might have to try yours out...:)