1) What types of healthy snacks do you give your kids (I have 2 year olds)? We've done pretzels (one likes them the other doesn't), yogurt (but usually I prefer this as a lunch option :)), and various other things and I would love for some new inspiration!
2) Any ideas for fun, memory-making activities for toddlers? I'm looking for fun things for me to do with them during the long, winter, indoor days and also for family things to do on the weekends or in the evenings. They have a pretty good attention span if they enjoy things. :) I have 2 boys.
Here's hoping for some fabulous ideas and thoughts...maybe book recommendations. :) Happy Wednesday everyone! Oh, and I guess I'm not staying wordless today. :)
Snacks- I like granola bars, apple chips (or any dried fruit), undried fruit :), carrots and dip, caramel rice cakes, applesauce, etc
Activities- In the summer my 2 yr old likes to paint with water. Get a bowl of water and some fat, cheap paint brushes and let 'em go at it on the sidewalk. They can get really creative, and unlike sidewalk chalk, it goes away really fast when it dries! Indoor activities- a scavenger hunt for household items. Bobby pin, red toy, penny, etc. You can also do this outside on a sunny day. Have them help you make a treat (cookies are nice). They can measure, stir, roll out the dough balls, etc. Fill up the sink and let them play in the water and do dishes together. Then eat your creation!
My girlie is only one, but she loves Nutri-grain bars as a snack. The only down side is that they smush easily in the diaper bag.
the new snack hit in our house is toast with cream cheese.
Hey, glad you're joining in the fun.
When my kids were the age of the boys I would clean off all of the outside toys really well and keep them in the garage. Often in the afternoon I would bring them out- little bikes, a small slide, a bucket of rice w/ sand toys- move back the kitchen table and play. I'd play summer music and read a book. It was fun for all of us.
I have a great little book I'll pass your way as well that has really simple and easy ideas.
It won't be so bad, right?
My daughter loves the Kashi TLC (Tasty Little Crackers). Also, you can find the Back to Nature brand at Whole Foods. They have some organic, healthy cinnamon graham sticks that she will inhale. Cheese is always a hit too.
As far as activities, one new thing that we've done lately is to cut out eyes, hair, mouths, noses, and anything else that catches my eye out of magazines. Then my daughter can choose and mix and match them to glue them on a paper to make faces.
Some more snack ideas...
dry cereal, string cheese, raisins (develope those little muscles!), sliced grapes, "snails" (flattened bread spread with peanut butter or cheese and rolled up, then sliced into little rounds), Goldfish crackers.
I remember sitting my boys in the high chair and giving them old junk mail or magazines and a big fat crayon.
Sometimes, especially after a messy meal when I knew their clothes were going to have to be changed, I would give them a shallow pan of water to splash in.
Our town has a small, virtually empty mall that we would "walk." It was so empty that I let him just really run.
Hi Alaina
Thanks for your kind comment on my blog.
I am making a list of all the great books mentioned, including yours, so I can start reading!
Do you know any good Christian infertile blogs?
Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I also have a 2-year-old and for snacks we do a lot of fruit, raisins/craisins, pretzels and peanut butter, cheese and carrots. We also do the goldfish, crackers and cereal thing too. Sometimes I put it into a pot and give her a spoon and she "cooks" it and eats it.
We do a lot of painting around here. You can get sidewalk paint or we get big sheets of paper and tack them to our fence. I'll occasionally frame them, and I recently heard about a place where you can send your child's artwork and they'll make a coffee table book out of it.
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