Friday, December 14, 2007

Pippi's Christmas Picture

Since Pippi wasn't able to be in our Christmas picture, we took a separate one of our pretty little girl. :) Here she is decked out for the holidays.

This year, she loves wearing clothes! And before you pass judgement on my (I won't even try to say that it's Andrew's idea) dressed up dog, know this - she seems to get cold very easily (you wonder how with all the extra "insulation"). She often crawls under blankets to sleep but seems really happy to not have to do that. Wal-mart now has a line of inexpensive dog clothes so I picked up a cute green sweater and the boys picked this outfit for her. She really and truly doesn't fight it and the boys think it's hilarious!


Paula said...

Pippi is so cute. I love that little outfit. In fact, I would love to have a little dog just so I could dress it up. Where I live we have a lot of coyotes and unfortunately small dogs don't last too long :(

Heather L. said...

Very cute! At least she doesn't mind. We always dressed our pets as kids. :) Dad called it "sissifying the dog", but of course that was because it was a boy dog.

Hope things went well this morning.

Monica said...

Okay, that's funny. I only wish I could read Pipi's mind and know what she is thinking in these pictures. She looks like she wants to say something:) Very Cute.

Anonymous said...

Don't feel too bad. Tater has a homemade coat. Short dogs need a little extra warmth! Now admittedly he only wears it outside (where at night it gets down into the negatives here already!) but I'm sure people looking at me funny and I don't care!

Mama10EE said...

Our dachshund, Bailey, wears a coat outside and she has a sweater that she wears inside because, like Pippi, she shakes if she isn't under a blanket and is constantly digging for a warm place!

Micah said...

Is the party on no matter what? Will you post something if it's cancelled? I HATE that this weather had to be TODAY!!! :(

Heather said...

My parents have toy poodles. They have sweaters for the winter. It seems to really help them. I know it seems silly - but the little ones need it!! :) And it is fun.

Andrew said...

Yes, the party is still on - and yes, we can't believe the weather, either!