Friday, March 28, 2008

Appointment Report

We were so exhausted by the time we got home last night that I didn't post. We got up at 4:15 yesterday morning and left a little after 5. We arrived at the hospital with about 25 minutes to spare so that was great!

The appointment went very well. They are pleased with his speech progress and thought his scar looked very good. The speech pathologist (and cleft team leader) wanted to know what our secret for minimizing the scar was. :) The truth, we don't have one, he just looks really, really good. So, everything is healing properly. The ENT does want to replace his tubes - the right one is out and there if fluid in his hear and the left is getting close to coming out. We will schedule surgery in the next couple of months - it will be outpatient. I was very encouraged that he did pass his hearing test this time!

We have to give an updated immunization report and cardiology report before they will schedule surgery so doctors appointments are the next thing on my to-do list. He is due for both appointments in April, anyway. I think we have to do another EKG just to verify that his heart is fine.

So, that's the report. Other than the tubes, we probably won't have another surgery until he is 8 or 9. We are thankful. I will write more on speech decisions later. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers!

**The pictures are progressive - before surgery (8/07), after surgery (9/07), and last week (3/08).**


Kim said...

He looks great! I'm glad the appt went well. Your boys are precious and so so blessed to have you!!!

Smith Family Blog said...

I think the "secret" is Godly parents who are prayerful, and a God who listens. :)

Heather L. said...

I'm so glad the appointment went well! It sounded like a long day and lots of driving. I hope your weekend is a bit more restful.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear everything went smooth... Modern medicine is truly amazing!

Micah said...

Wonderful news! I noticed last week in his Easter picture how nicely he had healed up. I would never know he had a cleft. Although, you have to admit, that first picture is pretty hard to beat =). He is too cute!!!