Wednesday, March 26, 2008


We are having some trouble with our laptop thus the lack of posting. :) We are headed to Chicago tomorrow for Calvin's appointment. We are praying for a good report and safe travel! We know he has lost one of his ear tubes so we are interested to know if he will need them again or if he is hearing better. We hope to have a better idea of how many more surgeries he will need and when. Also, this will be the first time that we are driving up and back in the same day and I'm sure it will be exhausting. His appointment is at 8 and he will see various doctors and specialists. We anticipate being there until 3 or later. Patrick will remain here with Nana. So that's what is going on here. I'm off to fold clothes while the kids nap - I'm rather behind. :)


Heather L. said...

I hope the trip goes well! That will be a long day!

Micah said...

Praying for a safe trip today, and lots of good news!

The boys were absolutely adorable in their outfits. I wouldn't have been able to resist those either. The only way I can resist is to not go in the store altogether =)

Can't wait to hear an update!!! Love you!

Paula said...

Hope your appts. go well.
Will be thinking about you.

Anonymous said...

How was the appointment? Hope it was all good news.