Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Home Again

1200 miles, 21 hours of travel (round trip), and 1 sick kid, we are finally home. Thank you for your prayers - it was a difficult but very good trip. More later.


Jen said...

I left you a message on your home number and totally forgot you all were gone. So no rush on calling me back..just wanted to catch up. :)

Monica said...

Glad you're back. Try to get some rest and regroup. I hope your schedule will allow for some of that this week.

Stephanie said...

Glad you made it back safely. Wondering if you'd like to stop in at the store sometime soon. I've got a few goodies for you to look at--some free, some not so much. :) Plus, bringing those boys in pretty much makes my day.
Talk to you soon!

Paula said...

Hi Alaina,
Glad you made it back safe.
when you get rested and back on line, shoot me over an email with your address so I can send you your chocolate that you won!

Anonymous said...

Alaina, glad your all home and safe.

Unknown said...

Welcome back. It must be nice to be home.

jennie said...

Hope you all get some rest this week. Glad you had a safe trip.