Saturday, January 05, 2008


Just when I thought we were in the clear...I came down with the worst flu known to man. Okay, maybe that is a slight exaggeration but I think it might be the worst I've ever had. Evidently we've had two different types of flu at our house and this is what Andrew had on New Year's Day. Yuck. I'll pass on ever having it again - 5 hours of agony and then a fever all day today. I feel better but not well and still have the fever and headache. My husband is a dear and has been playing mommy and daddy and nurse today.

Calvin was adorable, he came in this evening and I reached over and covered his hand with mine and he kissed it - awww. :) Patrick said, 'Hi' and wanted to show me his mad keyboard skills. :) They both wanted me to read them some books and I obliged. Calvin blew me kisses on the way to bed. What sweeties - I've missed them today!

I'm praying we are done being sick for awhile. Then I can be on to more interesting blog subjects and maybe I can get the rest of my Christmas decorations down and my house cleaned...

I'm off but thanks for all of your kind comments about our room. I've seen alot more of it than I expected this week - I'm so glad it's done!


Heather L. said...

I'm SO sorry! That is awful!!! I was really hoping you were going to get out of this easier than the others. :( I hope you guys do stay healthy for a long time!

Rebecca said...

Oh yuck! I hope you feel better tomorrow.

Paula said...

The Flu is the worst. I had it two years ago and since then I have gotten the flu shot. It just knocks you down. hope you feel better soon.

Catherine said...

Sorry you've been sick! I hope you feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

Sorry you're feeling bad... hopefully you can get back on your feet (feeling better!) soon.

Anonymous said...

I'm still believing in the best, that the boys both got it and maybe I'm safe. (It's been over a week...) Keep your fingers and toes crossed for me. And I'm glad you're better, too.