Thursday, January 10, 2008

Adoption & #3

Several people have asked about our next adoption since I've mentioned it a couple of times lately :) - we are in the research stage right now. We haven't signed with an agency and haven't decided on domestic or international adoption; we just know that we would like to start the process again this year and we may or may not say when these things are underway. We expect that it could take 1-2 years. We are so excited to see God's direction and to begin anticipating another little miracle! We have been so incredibly blessed by our sons and we know they will make great big brothers when the time is right.

As you can imagine (and know if you've known us very long), adoption is a passion for us. Andrew will be on the board of a local organization this year that not only facilitates adoptions but is also consciously seeking to encourage families who might not otherwise consider adoption to do so. We hope and pray that many children will find their forever home and family this year. We also pray that waiting families will soon be united with their children. And we pray that God will bring more adoptive families forward (of all sizes), who are willing to open their hearts and lives to children needing loving families. Adoption is such a blessing to these children – and to their future families! Adoption is not just for "people like us" who do not have biological children - it's so much more.

So that's the news from our family. God is good and has provided for our family in amazing ways to allow us to even begin the process again! We are so grateful!


Heather L. said...

We will certainly be praying for you in this.

Monica said...

I'm so excited to see how God is going to be using your family in all of this!!

Anonymous said...

Did I tell you that from time to time I watch "Adoption Story" on Discovery Health and cry? Same with the "Baby Story." It doesn't matter how they come into your life... once they are there, you are theirs!

Paula said...

We will both be in this together because we are going to put our name in with our agency again in the spring. We have heard that with the second adoption (domestic) it may take longer to get chosen, so we might as well get our name in sooner than later. Good luck to you guys whichever path you choose!
P.S. You inspired me to buy a coupon book. I ordered it off Amazon :)

Merrilee said...

What greater gift can you give a child? Good luck!
On the coupon thing, you totally beat me this week. I only saved $11.82 at the grocery store, no where near your $100+. Drat!

Kate Ambrose said...

I believe adoption is a beautiful way to grow your family! I have so much respect for you and Andrew and your passion--it's most certainly an inspiration to others who might not normally consider adoption.

Barbie said...

I will be praying for your family as you make decisions about adoption. You have such a beautiful testimony and heart towards adoption! It is encouraging to see families get involved in their communities, trying to reach other families that may have never considered such a thing before. If they only knew what an amazing gift these children bring to you!!

Anonymous said...

I would love to tell you the adoption story from my family sometime... actually stories. Tim is adopted (as are his dad and brother), my sister in law is adopted, and my brother and sister-in-law's second son is as well. But I won't fill your blog comments with the wonderful ways God has worked through said adoptions...

Loraena Tuttle said...

how exciting! You'll be doing it opposite of us, since we are leaning towards international next time. Not because domestic was a bad experience - we love our case worker and thought our agency was great and are so thankful that God led us this route to put little Eliana into our family. We just have a burden to adopt internationally and really want to do it before we are done growing our family! If you have any questions about our experience on the domestic path, don't hesitate to ask!

I don't get over here to your blog nearly often enough.

JEff said...

Congratulations! You know we recommend Taiwan!