The past two years have been full of change for us as we excitedly welcomed our two sons into the family, I went to very part-time work, and Andrew adjusted to a job with a law firm (leaving the very nice government hours behind). They have all been good and welcome changes. And they have been at least somewhat chronicled here and on the boys' blog.
This blog has been a sort of journal for me. Certainly I don't share my deepest thoughts like a "dear diary", but it has been a place for me to write the happenings of our life. I have watched myself on a bit of a journey of self-discovery. My posts have changed some and I've realized that I care passionately about things that I didn't know I did. Strange but true. It has been an interesting and helpful journey and I'm sure it will continue.
We started the boys' blog to specifically record their "birth" into our family. And we wanted to share our journey with others. We plan to eventually have it published in book form for them - complete with pictures. It is truly their story. They bring us so much joy and delight and I enjoy keeping it updated with pictures and anecdotes; it is definitely a journal. And I love being a mom!
One of the things I've really enjoyed about the above job changes has been increased time to devote to cooking and baking and menu planning. We are all happy about that! And from that love came my recipe blog. I've used it as a bit of a recipe "box" by posting some of my favorite recipes and I've also used it as a place to write and develop my own recipes.
And then I began an adoption blog - just to record my thoughts regarding adoption. It is the one I have spent the least time at - it hasn't even been upated since October. I do hope to write more there one of these days. I started it because I didn't want this blog to turn into a single focus blog and I was feeling compelled to write more on that topic. While I will still write about adoption here, it is just one of many things.
So you see, blogging has become a hugely creative outlet for me and it's a bit addictive (I have 4 blogs, afterall). And I've met amazing people here and renewed and deepened existing friendships. You may wonder how I find time to blog with two active boys - I do it while they play together, while they nap, or at night. Sometimes I write a few posts and then publish them when I'm ready. I enjoy it. And I hope my children will enjoy it some day, too.
Anyway, Happy Birthday, Blog! Hope we celebrate many more! And thanks to all of you who take the time to read the rambling writings of a SAHM who loves the Lord, her husband, her boys, her family, her dog, adoption, cooking, baking, Costco, the environment, organization, Starbucks, fantasty football (which, by the way, I made it to the Superbowl this year!), and many other things...thanks for bearing with me.
Congratulations! That's terrific!
I'm thankful for your blog. I've gotten to know you better and really appreciate your perspective on your faith and family. My family is thankful for all the yummy recipes. I used your taco seasoning just the other night.
Happy Blogaversaryday!! I know I have enjoyed reading this ... so I's glad you enjoy writing and will continue to do so! :)
Love your blog, the boys are so cute and your recipes are great. Keep up the good work!
We're reading, so keep on blogging. But I know it takes a big time commitment to do so. Happy 2nd Anniversary.
Yay! Two years! I love all your loves. Does that make sense? From one SAHM to another...
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