Thursday, January 31, 2008

Nap Anyone?

I'm having one of those challenging weeks where every time the boys aren't getting their way, they cry or scream. I don't care for either option, thanks. :) Not to mention they aren't listening and are irritating each other constantly. Someone please tell me this is a phase!!! This is one weary momma. :) They have both had runny noses for a couple of weeks - no fever and not many other symptoms but I'm sure it's effecting their attitude; it MUST be. This is fairly uncharacteristic - at least the all day long, they are 2 so... And all that is not to say we don't have bright spots - it just feels a little Dr. Jekyll Mr. Hyde. :)

In other news, one closet has been completely re-organized and is now much more effective storage. Our friends returned home from China last night with a beautiful little girl! We are looking forward to meeting her but know they need some time to recover! We haven't gotten on an airplane since coming home well over a year ago...:) And on an unrelated note, I'm on the downward swing of teaching homeschool biology. This is my final year. I will not teach again for a long time. I enjoy the kids (just 2 in each class this year - I seriously limited it!) and I love the material but it takes a lot of time to prepare and then there's the weekly time commitment. May 1, I'll be done!

All in all, I'm ready for a nap and it's only 8:40 and diet coke will have to suffice. I still have biology to prepare and teach, speech therapy for one, and Bible Study tonight - all here. I better get cleaning!


Heather L. said...

It sounds like a wearing weak. :( I'm sure your kids are just in a phase. Mine are just in the older phase of bickering. :) David is into opening doors right now and will spend endless time standing on a chair in front of a door, opening and closing it... ha ha ha! It keeps him occupied....

Paula said...

Its tough any way you look at it to have 2 two year olds. Hang in there, they will outgrow it.

Anonymous said...

You've got your hands full! BTW, we made the tomato lentil stew from your Monday menu last night--loved it! Thanks for inspiring, even when you don't feel very inspired!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure that it's something they'll grow out of... just to grow into something new! ;) Congrats on the closet... and I totally understand the time commitment of teaching a class!

Mama10EE said...

Wow, I think you have stepped into MY house! Even though I only have one, and she is younger than your boys, she has also been doing the SAME thing! Nap strikes, total toddler tantrums when she doesn't get her way....and she won't be 2 until the end of June.

Hang in there! It is probably harder on all of you because not only are they cranky with you, they are cranky with each other. Take solace in your newly organized space!

Barbie said...

Ooh, I hate those weeks. You feel as if they will never end but thankfully they do! Hang in there!