Monday, June 30, 2008
Birthdays & Imaginations!
Planning for Another Week at Home
So here are my hopefully fun, stay-at-home ideas for this week:
Finger Paint
Make a Fort
Put up their Tent in the backyard
Decorate Cookies (only the ones they will eat themselves :))
Make Construction Paper Flags (they are really into flags!)
Sidewalk Chalk
Have a Picnic in the backyard
Make Snack Mix
Do a Photo Shoot (okay this may be more fun for me than them :))
Here is my not-so-fun list for this week:
Vacuum & Dust
Clean Bathrooms
Mop Kitchen
Clean Our Bedroom & Boys' Bedroom
Go through Toys again - sort and donate
Organize Pantry & Kitchen
Donate More Things!
And here are my more fun things:
Finish 2 books
Have a Date-Night-In
Work on Blog
Plan Patrick's Birthday
Plan 2 Bridal Showers
Plan 1 Wedding Favor - What do you think, edible or not? I'm leaning towards the former.
Work on Menu & Cost for 1 Wedding Reception
It sounds like a lot and likely everything won't get done (I'm way behind from being out of commission) but at least I have an idea of what needs started. Hopefully we will be well enough to enjoy our 4th of July plans - Brownsburg Parade and Conner Prairie! I'm praying Andrew stays healthy. What's on your agenda this week?
Sunday, June 29, 2008
What's for Dinner!

MONDAY: Bean & Cheese Burritos, Carrots, Yogurt
TUESDAY: Spaghetti, Homemade Breadsticks, Salad
WEDNESDAY: Grilled Steak & Spinach Salad w/balsamic vinaigrette, Fruit
THURSDAY: Eggs, Toast, Fruit
FRIDAY: Chicken Salad Croissant Sandwiches, Fruit Skewers, Cheese Cubes, Veggies & Dip, Salt & Vinegar and Jalapeno Chips, Triple Chocolate Chip Cookie Pizza (I'll make it like an American Flag w/blueberries & strawberries)
SATURDAY: Bacon Cheddar Burgers w/the works, Oven Fries, Strawberries
SUNDAY: Leftovers
So that's the plan. Hopefully I'll make it to the Farmer's Market and a few things may change accordingly. What are you having this week? Check out (actually Heavenly Homemakers is hosting this week!) for more menu plans. Happy Indepence Day!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
How Much?
Uncle Merle was always one of my favorites. He made me feel welcome in the family from day one. He was funny, kind, and always real. He didn't expect people to be a certain way, he just liked you no matter what. He was a faithful reader of our blog and nearly every week he sent us some of the most hilarious e-mail forwards. This past March, he met our boys for the first time and he was so pleased. He was quiet and unassuming but very obviously devoted to his family. I'll miss those forwards, I'll miss seeing him - his twinkling eyes, cowboy boots, and leather coat, and I'll miss knowing that he's checking in on us here in blogland.
Please pray for the family. He leaves behind children and grandchildren. His youngest son just finished his freshman year in college. I can't imagine.
In honor of Uncle Merle, I'm going to take a couple days off blogging. I'm also quite sick and need a break. I've posted a poll to the right - please feel free to vote. The blog is headed under construction in the next few weeks and I would love some feedback.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Moms Aren't Supposed to Get Sick
Patrick (wailing as only he can): Calvin, I want the Piston Cup. MOMMY....MOMMY....(insert sobs)
Me: I don't like the way you are complaining and crying. Why don't you try trading with Calvin.
Patrick (offers Calvin a tractor): Here Calvin.
Me: Calvin, Patrick would like to trade with you. Can you give him one of the cars you have? He would like the Piston Cup car. (Calvin quietly hands Patrick a black car with a broken but fixable spoiler). Okay Patrick, this is the one he is willing to trade you.
Patrick (again wailing): Mommy, I don't want the broken car. (Calvin then dumped all his cars on the floor for Patrick and only took back the broken car)
Me: Look Patrick, Calvin gave you the Piston Cup car and all the other cars.
Patrick (wailing & sobbing): I don't want the Piston Cup, I want the broken car...
No one, no one can win in this situation and an early nap time was the solution. Calvin remained silent throughout the entire interchange.
Calvin (crying in the family room): I don't want to eat.
Me (picked him up and carried him into the kitchen): Would you like a muffin? (already on the lunch menu)
Calvin: Yes.
The end. Lunch was eaten by all. :)
We have enjoyed numerous slow-motion fits on the floor for any number of small offenses, minor injuries, or unacceptable responses from mom like "No more crackers, we are going to eat lunch soon." They are careful to make sure I am watching them display their displeasure. I have found that ignoring is the best policy today or just picking them up and hugging them. They just don't feel good and they don't know what to do with themselves. We have enjoyed some cuddle time and books and right now, they are actually playing together nicely. Ah, the sound of peace - a tenuous sound under the current circumstances. :) Both had morning rest times and all of us will have naps this afternoon. Sweet rest.
So, I'm laughing inwardly at the ridiculousness of what is making them upset - it's good medicine and sure beats the alternative. Grace is good and I'm thankful for it today.
Date Night In

So last night, we decided to feed the boys and play with them for a little while before putting them to bed. While Andrew started to get them ready for bed, I began our dinner (grilled chicken, sweet potatoes and green beans, salad, and cheesecake w/strawberries). After tucking the boys in, we enjoyed a leisurely semi-gourmet dinner with uninterrupted conversation out on the deck. We finished the evening with a new movie.
So we had dinner and a movie without ever leaving - it was wonderful and cheap! We felt as relaxed and rested (if not more so!) as when we go out. We are going to *try* and do this more often! It totally works for me! For more ideas visit Rocks in My Dryer.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Nana & Papa
Grandma & Rex
Monday, June 23, 2008
Bake Day!
Trash to Treasure
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Meals, Meals

Grilled Chicken, Zucchini, & Potatoes, Melon
Pesto Pasta, Salad, Strawberries
Vegetarian Pizza, Carrots, Melon
Bacon & Cheddar Burgers, Slaw, Fruit Salad
Grilled Steak & Spinach Salad w/balsamic vinagrette, Cherries
I'm going to stick with five meals this week - we will be going out with friends on Saturday night. I made this black bean couscous salad and we really liked it this week - I'll be eating leftovers of it for lunch this week. :) We will also enjoy a cheesecake I made for a luncheon but it didn't have enough time to chill so we did plan B - Andrew is happy about that since we don't have dessert very often!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
New Look
Thursday, June 19, 2008
A Little Random
One final note, we were given Andrew's grandfather's old washer and it has been succesfully installed. Laundry will be on the agenda for tomorrow! Here's to hoping it works!
Calvin's Heart
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
They Love Their Icecream!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
A Review

To summarize this book in one word: EMPOWERING! It is an amazingly complete book that I can't seem to put down. It's full of wonderful techniques and great formulas. Each chapter deals with a different topic but builds into a cohesive book about cooking - how-tos, what to buy, substitutions, recipes etc.
It starts with a list of suggested things to keep stocked in your pantry - a list that makes good food accessible and quick any night of the week. The author includes basic foods like salads & dressings and then progresses to Asian food, sauteing (all kinds of meats!), ravioli, appetizers, vegetables, desserts, etc. The beginning of every chapter starts with a rhyme - a rhyme introducing the technique. And for those of you that prefer written recipes, she includes those in every chapter as well. I just love that you have a basic formula to customize according to your taste.
This book makes me feel like anything is possible. I feel empowered to try new techniques, to make even more from scratch, and to attempt food that I never dreamed was so easy. It's definitely going to be a book I come back to again and again - well, hopefully I'll be able to memorize many of the formulas and not have to even use the book (as the title inspires!). I found her style easy to read and the information at the opening of each chapter to be invaluable. I really just devoured this book - it was hard to put down! Some of it was not necessarily new, some of it was a good refresher course, and a lot of it was a new way of thinking.
I highly recommend this book for any amateur or seasoned cook. It makes a perfect shower gift or a wonderful addition to your own cookbook library.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Kazapalooza Slideshow - Cross-posted!

Make photo slide shows at
Sadly, our camera batteries died between Friday Night and Saturday Lunch so I mostly have pictures of our family after we bought replacements. Hopfully we will get lots more pictures from other people! Calvin had his face painted like a tiger at the Saturday luncheon and he was so proud of it - Andrew took pictures on his phone but alas, we can't get them off. Hope you enjoy these pictures anyway and I'll add more if I get more!
Kazapalooza Slideshow

Make photo slide shows at
Sadly, our camera batteries died between Friday Night and Saturday Lunch so I mostly have pictures of our family after we bought replacements. Hopfully we will get lots more pictures from other people! Calvin had his face painted like a tiger at the Saturday luncheon and he was so proud of it - Andrew took pictures on his phone but alas, we can't get them off. Hope you enjoy these pictures anyway and I'll add more if I get more!
Happy Father's Day
Here is what the boys have to say about their Dad -
Patrick: I like to play with him and watch a movie with him. I like to play dump trucks with him. Eat pizza with him. Go outside. I love you.
Calvin: Daddy is at work. Watch tv with Daddy. Play with dump truck. I like to hug Daddy and play soccer ball. Bye-bye. Thank you, I love you, Daddy.
I knew when we married that he would be a great dad and I looked forward to God calling us to parenthood. Through everything, he has been a faithful and loving father and husband. He has insisted on being at doctor's appointments, surgeries, and other appointments and has been totally hands-on. I couldn't ask for a better partner on this journey we call parenthood and I wouldn't want to be on it with anyone else. Happy Father's Day (a day late! :))
Sunday, June 15, 2008
I realized I must truly be a foodie. We ate at two AWESOME restaurants this weekend and I measured part of the weekend on how great the food was. :) I will review the restaurants in another post this week just in case you happen to be in Chicago or you happen to decide that they sound so good, you'll drive for food. :)
No really, it was fantastic to meet so many families that have had the same life-changing experience. As much as we try to explain it to people, we just can't. It is an experience that cannot be fully described but it was apparent that we had all left a piece of our hearts in Kazakhstan. For our part, we will never be the same. We are blessed beyond belief but we will never forget the many children left in the orphanages. And our love and passion for adoption was impacted exponentially!
The families travelled from all over the U.S. and even Canada! There were families that have been home for many years and some who have come home in the past six months, some have adopted one, some have adopted two at a time (like us!), some have adopted two times from Kaz, some have other adopted children from other countries or the U.S., some have biological children (or are expecting them), some stayed for a long time in Kazakhstan, and some for less time. ALL love their children and are blessed. ALL were impacted by their time in Kazakhstan. ALL had the cutest kids in the world. :)
Truly, the children were beautiful and happy and loved! Our boys enjoyed making new friends who share a common birth country. We know this will mean even more to them when they are older but we want to establish these relationships early!
We are blessed. We look forward to next year's Kazapalooza! More to come...
Menu Plan

This week will be mostly the kids and me. :) Andrew has a couple of meetings and big projects at work - we will maybe have one meal during the week together. Also, my brother will be staying with for this week and possibly more! He is flooded out of his room at my parents. So he may be here a couple of nights for dinner. Needless to say, it will be simple week. The boys and I may go to my parents one night and we have a birthday party on Friday evening. We are planning a family night on Saturday to kick-off our local outdoor concert season! We also have a church potluck on Sunday. So I'm going to stick with just five meals plans.
Quesadillas, Applesauce or Fruit
Pizza, Veggies, Jello Jigglers
Eggs, Grits, Bacon or Sausage, Fruit
Chicken Salad Sandwiches, Chips, Cheese, Vegetables, Fruit, Cookies (our picnic supper!)
Veggie Pizza, Fruit Salad, Brownies (church potluck)
Sorry it's such a boring week! Check out for more menu plans - probably much more interesting! New recipes next week, I promise. :)
Friday, June 13, 2008
News - Kind Of
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Too Long
- Patrick making his hot dog talk to his ketchup.
- Calvin being a monster - this is constant these days.
- Patrick driving in his car.
- Both boys making their chairs, play set, etc. into vehicles - today is was a garbage truck.
- Lots and lots of talking.
- Swimming - they are total waterbugs.
Washer hopefully arriving this week.
Short night - kids up all the time.
Calvin missing in the night.
Asleep on the floor in our bedroom doorway.
Much to do.
To-Do List for Today:
Finish folding laundry.
Put away massive amount of laundry.
Keep kids occupied and happy.
Protect the dog from said kids.
Put together donation bags for weekend.
Finish hygiene donation to deliver to Two Hearts.
Pack bags for the weekend.
Talk to insurance people.
Make doctor's appointments.
Clean bathrooms.
Make dinner.
Have a pedicure w/mom - a way overdue gift.
Yeah, I probably won't get a real blog post written today. :) Maybe tomorrow. Laundry is finally caught up after doing only the bare necessities over the past few weeks. Lots of towels, sheets, etc. No fun. Onward and upward. Coffee is a must. Pedicure will be a sweet end to the day. What's on your agenda?
Sunday, June 08, 2008
This Week's Meals

- Salad topped w/Honey Mustard Grilled Chicken, Breadsticks (using my pizza dough recipe brushed w/olive oil and sprinkled w/parmesan cheese)
- Grilled Hot Dogs (I buy the nitrate-free ones at Costco), Baked Beans, Fruit
- Tofu Lo-Mein (using a recipe from a book I'm planning to review soon!), Fruit
- Mexican Lasagna, Corn, Chips & Salsa
Well, that's about it! Hopefully I'll get a chance to add several recipes to my recipe blog this week - we'll see. Check out for more plans or to post your menu plan. And as always, feel free to leave questions, ideas, recipes, or your own meal ideas. Have a wonderful week!
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Rain, Rain, Go Away
We've had several quite severe storms and our children don't sleep particularly well through them which means we don't either. Last night, Patrick said amidst tears, "No more thunder." We've too often been hearing the pitter-patter of feet as they run to our room and jump in our bed (thank goodness for king size beds) but then Calvin doesn't sleep at all. And while they are so sweet and we are so glad they feel safe and protected with us, we are tired.
Today, I braved the weather and headed out to some neighborhood garage sales with my good friend, Heather, and a couple of our sisters. We were soaked to the bone and cold but determined. The excursion was all the more memorable and fun because we spent the morning together - even taking a break for yummy waffles and hot drinks. It was worth it. My favorite find was a small cabinet/buffet for $5.
So, we are rained out. The roads are washed out in areas, people are being evacuated south of us due to flooding, and our yard is more than squishy. We are longing for sunshine and warmth. And we are longing for a night of sleep without interruption. Maybe next week?
Friday, June 06, 2008
A Couple More Wardrobe Thoughts & Questions
Is anyone else loving that long shorts are in this year? And that tops generally fit a little looser and are longer? I think it's great - not only does it hide the not-so-favorite figure areas but it's more modest and way easier to bend down to take care of the kids etc. Yay for fashion!
Another thing - a few of you mentioned undergarments being important and I totally agree! I find this to be absolutely the most frustrating thing to shop for. Any suggestions - brands, stores, etc.? It would also be great to find these things for a reasonable price - who really wants to pay $50 for something underneath?
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Wardrobe Must-Haves
1) A great pair of jeans.
2) Dangly earings.
3) The perfect pair of heels.
4) A favorite white shirt and black shirt.
5) Bright pink nail polish.
I'm not really much of a dress or skirt person but having a couple that make me feel pretty and feminine is a must. I've found that the older I've gotten the more classic pieces are added to my wardrobe. Some things just aren't meant to be worn past age 21 and knowing that is a key to successful dressing. So, what things do you always like to have?
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
**I found this post that I started in November and never finished. I was again challenged by this quote and decided to go ahead and publish it.**
We should determine, then, to recognize and acknowledge all the gifts of the Creator: the glory of the heavens and the earth, of mountain, river, and sea, of forest and flowers, of birds,beasts and butterflies, and of the intricate balance of the natural environment. We celebrate the unique privileges of our humanness (rational, moral, social, and spiritual), as we were created in God's image and appointed his stewards; the joys of gender, marriage, sex, children, parenthood and family life, and of our extended family and friends. We appreciate the rhythm of work and rest, of daily work as a means to cooperate with God and serve the common good, and of the Lord's day when we exchange work for worship; the blessings of peace, freedom, justice, and good government, and of food and drink, clothing and shelter; and our human creativity expressed in music, literature, painting, sculpture and drama, and in the skills and strengths displayed in sport.-John Stott, Fighting the Good Fight
I appreciate the all-encompassing nature of this quote. And while I would contend that our work and everything we do should be a part of our daily worship of God, I think that Stott's point is that on the Lord's day we rest from our normal labor and join in corporate worship. It's amazing how acknowleding the Lord in every aspect of our lives, leads to gratitude and appreciation for Him as our Creator and Sustainer.
This is also a great reminder that all of our gifts and abilities are given to us by the Lord. I truly believe that He enjoys seeing us use the talents He has blessed us with - whether that is cooking, writing, playing sports, sewing, fill in the blank. I think really seeing our abilities as gifts from an all-wise God and as pleasing to Him, should challenge us to make the time to put them to good use!
Much more could be observed from this quote but I think I'll close here.
Monday, June 02, 2008
A Tribute
The sad part of this change was saying goodbye to our Honda. We didn't know it would be such a sudden farewell. It really was not in good condition and was an automatic that we were having to drive as a manual :), it had no air conditioning, no radio, and a window that didn't close all the way... But it was my first car. I bought it 6 months out of hygiene school with only 69,000 miles on it. I bought it the week before Andrew proposed. That was way back in 2001 - the car was already 10 years old.
That car took us on our honeymoon, moved us to Florida & back as our only car, and has been with us through building our house and the blessed addition of our sons. We put nearly 100,000 miles on it. We have lots of great memories tied to that car and we will miss it.
Goodbye dear, old, faithful car. You witnessed the beginning of our lives together. You brought joy to our children when they saw Daddy coming home in his red car (yes, it became his :)). And you lasted until we were able to replace you - yes, you have been replaced but you will never be forgotten. Thank you for your years of service.
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Birthday Fun!
This morning I was awoken by the same great kids. :) After church, we came home and I started on meal stuff. When everyone started arriving, Calvin danced around the kitchen with his arms in the air singing, "Birthday party, birthday party!" When we finished eating, the boys decided it was time for presents. They were eager to help - Patrick opened a card and present for me and Calvin helped with unwrapping as well but he also confirmed who the presents were from. They were so cute about it. Calvin sang happy birthday when it was time for cake and Patrick looked on - he's a little nervous about singing publicly. :) This evening when the boys were playing outside, Calvin made me a sand cake and brought it to the deck. He was so proud. Patrick thought it was a great idea, so he made one, too. :)
All in all, a wonderful day spent with amazing people. I'm so blessed. I think this year will be an exciting one as I anticipate the big 3-0 next year. :)
Menu for this Week!

Today we invited my family (there were 16 of us!) over for my birthday and I cooked (with help from Noah & Liz) :) - I didn't clean up though and that's the best! I decided to do an appetizer buffet which was a lot of fun. It included mini burgers topped with fresh mozzerella, tomato, baby romaine, & balsamic mayo on soft rolls, garlic, chive, & cheese stuffed mushrooms, baked wontons, hummus & pita, baked brie w/apples, pears, and crackers, buffalo chicken tenders w/bleu cheese dipping sauce, fruit - strawberries, watermelon, pineapple, blueberries, and raspberries, and veggies & dip. My mom made a yummy cake filled with raspberry filing! It was such a fun day - I spent it with some of my favorite people and ate some of my favorite food. :)
My favorite things to make are brunch, appetizers, and desserts. I don't make any of them very often but they are so fun to plan and and beautiful to serve! What do you like to make?
Anyway, on with the plan for the week:
Salad w/chicken tenders and leftover bleu cheese dipping sauce, Rolls, Fruit
Eggs, Toast, Fruit or Yogurt
Pizza w/sausage, onions, & peppers, Veggies & dip, Watermelon
Lo-mein, Egg Rolls
Black Beans & Rice
Andrew and I will have a date night this week - a rare occurence, I can't wait! For more menu ideas visit Laura's site. Have a wonderful week and enjoy spending time with your family around the table - they say it is one of the best ways to build relationships!