Thursday, January 31, 2008
Changed Plans
I called my office to see what the plan was for tomorrow only to learn that there are just a few patients scheduled and the other hygienist is willing to come in if the weather allows. I definitely thought that was great news! So, I'm home tomorrow!
This all combined into making my day much easier and tomorrow a pleasant surprise. Here's hoping that everyone will stay safe and enjoy a wonderful snow day at home - warm and relaxed. I think homemade soup and fresh hot bread for lunch will be the perfect meal!
Nap Anyone?
In other news, one closet has been completely re-organized and is now much more effective storage. Our friends returned home from China last night with a beautiful little girl! We are looking forward to meeting her but know they need some time to recover! We haven't gotten on an airplane since coming home well over a year ago...:) And on an unrelated note, I'm on the downward swing of teaching homeschool biology. This is my final year. I will not teach again for a long time. I enjoy the kids (just 2 in each class this year - I seriously limited it!) and I love the material but it takes a lot of time to prepare and then there's the weekly time commitment. May 1, I'll be done!
All in all, I'm ready for a nap and it's only 8:40 and diet coke will have to suffice. I still have biology to prepare and teach, speech therapy for one, and Bible Study tonight - all here. I better get cleaning!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
U2 Date Night

Tag - You're It!

5) I'm dreading turning 30 next year but told my husband I want a huge birthday party and Lasik. :)
Monday, January 28, 2008
Bloggy Giveaway!
I like to give something away that reflects what I enjoy and I love to cook, bake, and develop recipes. So...I had such a great response from giving away cookbooks last time that I will again be giving away cookbooks (exact ones yet to be determined). The giveaway will close Friday night and I will randomly draw 2 winners on Saturday, February 2 and notify the winners by e-mail as well as posting them here on the blog. I am going to limit this to U.S. or Canada due to shipping costs - if you live internationally and would like me to send it to someone here in the states or Canada, I am happy to do that.
To enter, please leave a comment telling me your favorite meal and make sure I have a way to contact you! Only one entry per person. Have fun!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Our Week in Meals...

Just wanted to give a brief report on the fish from last week - EXCELLENT! We loved it and I will definitely use the recipe again; it was very easy. The couscous was very good also - I made it into a pilaf with carrots and peas. The boys thought it was awesome!
One of my friends wrote a post about soup last week and I decided that we should have soup a couple of times this week. It's been cold and it's such a comforting food!
MONDAY: Lentil Tomato Soup, Salad, Bread
TUESDAY: Quesadillas, Chips & Salsa, Yogurt
WEDNESDAY: Whole Grain Waffles, Bacon, Fruit
THURSDAY: Beef & Black Bean Soup, Salad, Biscuits
FRIDAY: Out w/friends
SATURDAY: Pizza, Veggies, Jello Jigglers
SUNDAY: Leftovers
Andrew will have a busy week, so I'm keeping the menu simple. The two soups are new recipes for the week and both are done in the crockpot - my favorite! I'll put the bread in the bread machine for Monday. Saturday night will be a movie night - we haven't had one for awhile and with the busy week, we will be ready to relax as a family. Hope you have a wonderful week of cooking! And ss always, feel free to ask questions, leave suggestions, or tell what you are having this week! Check out for more menu plans.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
I've not experimented very much with baking - mostly because I have not studied the science behind it enough to know what's required to make a recipe work. It's an area that I'd like to explore more. And I'm an awful food photographer (which is why you will almost never see pictures of what I make), so please pardon the glare. I'd like to improve...
I'm adding this recipe to my recipe blog here. It's definitely one I'll make again and perhaps experiment with less sugar etc. What's happening in your kitchen - any recent kitchen successes (new recipe, experiment, or just a great meal)? I truly love hearing about what other people are making!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Bittersweet Change
The boys are so pleased with the change. They are so excited to go to bed in their new car beds and Patrick asks daily if he can sleep there. :) It was hard for me to see the cribs come down because it means I have to really face the fact that they are growing up but it's been great! I love to see them so independent and pleased. They have been excellent about not getting up and they are even learning to make their beds. So that's the big change around here. :)
Plane Ride
Patrick thought it looked like so much fun that he decided to follow his big brother's example.
It was entirely too much fun!
Patrick wanted to make sure his bear had his own photo shoot.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Kid Stuff
They do use going potty as an excuse to get up from naps & bed, get out of time out, or leave church - I'm sure this is all common. We have not had any #2 accidents for which I am VERY grateful. Anyway, that's a potty training update. We have good days and bad days. I think I'll keep perserving with both though I'm tempted to give up on one child and try again in a month or so. We'll see. I think I need to have more rewards. :)
Lately, the boys have been loving dried fruits and nuts (especially raisins, cashews, & banana chips). It makes an easy and healthy snack! I usually buy them in bulk once or twice a year, so we always have them around. They also discovered that they love tomato soup - this is probably the 3rd or 4th time they have tried it but the first that they liked it and asked for seconds. Yay! Even though fries and cheese are requested at every meal, I'm thankful they are willing to try new things - it makes meal time so much easier. Oh and we do not eat fries and cheese at every meal. :)
I'm trying to do more crafts and coloring with them which they think is fun! They used markers and glue sticks today (not together) and thought they had arrived. They are doing lots of puzzles and I'm amazed at Calvin's ability to put them together - he will do them for 30 minutes at a time. Patrick has been demonstrating his counting skills though not always in the right order. :) 1,2,3 and 8,9, 10 are his favorite numbers. And both are quite interested in letters - we talk about them a lot!
Sometimes I find having 2 the same age a challenge. It's hard to keep them both interested in something or out of mischief or whatever. But it is also so much fun to watch them learn from each other and be challenged. I'm so glad they have each other and I can't imagine our lives without them!
Monday, January 21, 2008
MPM: Calling All Fish Recipes :)

Here's my plan for this week. We missed one meal last week that I was really looking forward to it's back on the list for Thursday. I'm always working towards healthier eating so I'm trying to incorporate fish at least once a week (any good recipe recommendations?), vegetarian at least once a week, and lots of veggies and fruit.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Blogging with a Purpose

Thursday, January 17, 2008
Happy Birthday, Blog!

The past two years have been full of change for us as we excitedly welcomed our two sons into the family, I went to very part-time work, and Andrew adjusted to a job with a law firm (leaving the very nice government hours behind). They have all been good and welcome changes. And they have been at least somewhat chronicled here and on the boys' blog.
This blog has been a sort of journal for me. Certainly I don't share my deepest thoughts like a "dear diary", but it has been a place for me to write the happenings of our life. I have watched myself on a bit of a journey of self-discovery. My posts have changed some and I've realized that I care passionately about things that I didn't know I did. Strange but true. It has been an interesting and helpful journey and I'm sure it will continue.
We started the boys' blog to specifically record their "birth" into our family. And we wanted to share our journey with others. We plan to eventually have it published in book form for them - complete with pictures. It is truly their story. They bring us so much joy and delight and I enjoy keeping it updated with pictures and anecdotes; it is definitely a journal. And I love being a mom!
One of the things I've really enjoyed about the above job changes has been increased time to devote to cooking and baking and menu planning. We are all happy about that! And from that love came my recipe blog. I've used it as a bit of a recipe "box" by posting some of my favorite recipes and I've also used it as a place to write and develop my own recipes.
And then I began an adoption blog - just to record my thoughts regarding adoption. It is the one I have spent the least time at - it hasn't even been upated since October. I do hope to write more there one of these days. I started it because I didn't want this blog to turn into a single focus blog and I was feeling compelled to write more on that topic. While I will still write about adoption here, it is just one of many things.
So you see, blogging has become a hugely creative outlet for me and it's a bit addictive (I have 4 blogs, afterall). And I've met amazing people here and renewed and deepened existing friendships. You may wonder how I find time to blog with two active boys - I do it while they play together, while they nap, or at night. Sometimes I write a few posts and then publish them when I'm ready. I enjoy it. And I hope my children will enjoy it some day, too.
Anyway, Happy Birthday, Blog! Hope we celebrate many more! And thanks to all of you who take the time to read the rambling writings of a SAHM who loves the Lord, her husband, her boys, her family, her dog, adoption, cooking, baking, Costco, the environment, organization, Starbucks, fantasty football (which, by the way, I made it to the Superbowl this year!), and many other things...thanks for bearing with me.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Teachable Moments
Proverbs 1:8-9
I'm reminded that I need to view each time of discipline as an opportunity to further train my children in righteousness. And to seize each teachable moment and use it for God's glory. This is the joyous and sometimes difficult calling God has given me as a mother. I'm humbled by such a serious responsibility.
It has been such a delight this year to hear our boys begin to form their own prayers and to learn the Psalms & songs we sing together as a family. My desire is that we continually build on that foundation. I love to see them excited to worship the Lord and joyjully joining in the congregational singing and prayers at church. It is truly the most rewarding part of being a mom. It's easy to focus on the areas that need improvement and miss the ways that Calvin & Patrick are growing and maturing.
I'm thankful for my parents' faithful instruction and correction during my growing up years. As we raise our children, I pray that we will glorify and honor God and I pray that my children will walk with the Lord all the days of their life.
3 John 1:4
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Coupon Organizing
Anyway, I already had one of the 2 in. coupon organizers but it wasn't working very well for me. I decided to try it again but this time, I put envelopes in (sm. letter sz.). Each envelope is labeled with what type of coupons are in it - for instance, dairy, cleaning supplies, medicines etc. If there are a few different types in one, then I labeled more than one on the outside. It helped me to break it down into much smaller categories. I will be buying one more coupon organizer and then I will put all the non-food coupons in one organizer and all the food coupons in the other. I will keep both with me when I shop.
At the front of the organizer, I put envelopes labeled by store (CVS, Meijer, Target etc.). I put the coupons that I plan to use at that store in the labeled envelope and if I add any coupons while shopping, I also stick them in there. It helps to keep them organized and ready to use - then I'm not holding them all at the end (which I've done).
It was so much easier searching for coupons for a few deals that I happened upon while shopping the other day. I just pulled the corresponding envelope out and looked for what I needed. I'm happy to report that I saved almost $10 at Meijer with just coupons on a fairly small trip last week not to mention the other $32 from the specials. It was worth it for me! I'm going to persevere for now and give it at least 3 months and then re-evaluate my system. Thanks again for all your tips!
Monday, January 14, 2008
A Battle
Since Christmas, I've been struggling to regain some sense of order and I desperately need it! So Saturday I spent time putting things back in order in the pantry/laundry room - it looks much better again but it seems only a matter of time before it will be a mess again (it doesn't help that we usually come in that way when we get home). Today, I've spent time tidying (I'm glad to use that word!) our bedroom and thoroughly cleaning and organizing the boys' room - I'm not quite finished but getting there.
I started the boys' room right before we had the flu and haven't been able to get back to it - it involved cleaning out the closet, sorting clothes and toys, packing things up, and general pick-up. The cribs and changing table are coming down which is a little sad. They haven't tried to get out of their cribs (which is why we haven't done this sooner) and we really like the fact they can't get out, but they are ready for big beds. We have matching blue race car toddler beds which I scored at a garage sale this summer for $10 apiece. Any little boy's dream - they will be excited, let's just hope they sleep!
Do any of you feel frustrated with the constant organizing? It seems that as soon as I feel fairly organized, a birthday or Christmas or a new season comes and brings lots more "stuff" to find a place for - don't get me wrong, we are certainly grateful for these things. And I do get rid of things; I have toys, clothes, and other things that we take to Goodwill or have the VA pick up regularly. It's just a constant battle and sometimes I'm winning and sometimes I'm losing. Right now, I'm losing - it feels better when I'm winning. Maybe by the end of the week?
Sunday, January 13, 2008
MPM: 1/14-1/20

TUESDAY - Other Plans
WEDNESDAY - Grilled Steaks (we didn't do this last week), Brussel Sprouts, Mashed Potatoes, Fruit Salad
THURSDAY- Slow Cooker Italian Style Chicken, Steamed Cauliflower & Broccoli, Fruit
FRIDAY - Curried Turkey Burgers, Oven Fries, Firecracker Slaw, Blueberry & Yogurt Parfaits
SATURDAY - Pizza, Apple Slices, Carrots & Celery, Chips
SUNDAY - Egg Casserole w/bacon, Bagels, Fruit Salad
Friday, January 11, 2008
An Obsession
Possibly Overheard at all hours of the day and night: Which one do you like? Whoa, look at that! (for the 112th time!) :) Mater! Doc! Lightening!
I suppose I should just be grateful that it's a cute and appropriate film. And I will admit, it is adorable to hear them talk about it and to see them identifying the different characters. But movie nights are getting a little, um, dull. I mean how many more times will we watch it?! We tried buying them a couple of new movies for Christmas but even that hasn't worked.
The beauty of it all, is that they laugh, point, and exclaim at the movie every time they see it as if it's the first time. So...I guess I can handle a few more Cars movie nights in order to allow my children the full enjoyment of their favorite characters in the whole world!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Adoption & #3
As you can imagine (and know if you've known us very long), adoption is a passion for us. Andrew will be on the board of a local organization this year that not only facilitates adoptions but is also consciously seeking to encourage families who might not otherwise consider adoption to do so. We hope and pray that many children will find their forever home and family this year. We also pray that waiting families will soon be united with their children. And we pray that God will bring more adoptive families forward (of all sizes), who are willing to open their hearts and lives to children needing loving families. Adoption is such a blessing to these children – and to their future families! Adoption is not just for "people like us" who do not have biological children - it's so much more.
So that's the news from our family. God is good and has provided for our family in amazing ways to allow us to even begin the process again! We are so grateful!
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Pajama Day Misc.
The Christmas decorations are mostly down and the used-to-be-live tree is out. We are changing the storage system for all of the Christmas "stuff" so that will be a big (but very helpful) task. I think we will tackle it on Saturday.
Thank you for all the coupon tips etc. I think I'm going to combine a couple of the ideas and see if I can get them in to a useable and practical system.
I started pilates yesterday (just dvds at home) and I can really feel it today - it's been a long time since I've done it! I'm hoping to use my excercise ball in addition to the pilates and work at being more in shape this year. :) I had thoughts of running the mini but couldn't convince anyone that lives nearby to train with me and knew I wouldn't do it by myself. So, this is my alternate plan for the year.
Hope you're having a wonderful Wednesday!
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Cautiously Optimistic
Well, we had an accident free morning. Patrick was great about telling me and Calvin went when I told him to. :) I put them both down for naps about 15 minutes ago (in diapers) and they were a little sad to not wear their cool car and Thomas big boy pants. They both have speech therapy this afternoon so we will probably leave the diaper on so they can focus - not to mention that I let them run around in just their underwear and shirt this morning which probably wouldn't be such a great idea for company.
My main motivation for starting today is that I really, really don't want to buy another box of diapers and we are starting to get low and I'm stopping at Costco later. :) So, with the successful experiment, I will buy pull-ups instead of diapers- yay! I suppose it's a little premature to say we won't still need some diapers and I may be writing tomorrow or Thursday or next week or next month and admit that we have indeed regressed, but for now, I'm going to be optimistic!
I think they are ready - they have been going potty for months now. And I'm trying to be ready to locate every public restroom in the city and I'm increasing my supply of santizing wipes, gel, toilet seat covers, etc. :) Yeah, I might be a little paranoid. :)
Anyway, today was the day. I poured over the ad, moneysavingmom, and my coupons and came up with a general plan. And for the most part, it worked! I realized afterwards that I probably could have saved a little more and if I had done it in more than one transactions, I could have also done better but there were a lot of people and I was too tired to break it up. :)
The really great thing was that the L'Oreal products that were B1G1 had some in each category that had 75% off stickers and there were no exclusions posted. So, I was able to get them B1G1 (the clerk did go check the signs but he was super nice about it :)) and use coupons which made them free. Yay! I came home with 2 mascaras, 2 lipsticks, and 2 foundation/powders.
According to my receipt, I saved $103.48, I spent $17.65 out of pocket, I received $13.50 in ECBs and 3 extra care coupons. Yep, I'm on a high. :) I'm really happy that they are all things we will use! And that the total included at least one thing that wasn't on sale, no ECBs, etc. and a few other things that we just needed. I'm sold. It may not be a weekly visit but I'll definitely be going back!
Oh, and the sales clerk was impressed at the 8 printouts. :)
Monday, January 07, 2008
This picture was taken last year at my sister's wedding.
Thank You
Resoution #9...
Any suggestions for organizing coupons? This is one of my biggest problems. I've read a few ideas but they aren't realistic for me - I don't have a box full. :) I need a practical way to organize them so I know what I have and can use them effectively. It takes me forever to sort them and prepare for a shopping trip and then if I find a deal that I think I also have a coupon for...well, don't even get me started on how long it would take me to sort so it just doesn't happen.
We have vacation, conference, and preparing for a 3rd child (we haven't started the process yet, but hope to) among other things we hope for our family this year and this is one way I think I can help us increase our savings. So, all ideas are welcome for helping me save! I'm not so new to bargain shopping but I'm pretty new to food savings (at least consistent food savings). :) One of my other reasons for wanting to save is that we like good quality, some gourmet ingredients/food and I would still like to buy them; so, I especially want to cut back on the expenses of things that don't matter. Well anyway if you made it through that rambling post - congatulations. :)
Sunday, January 06, 2008
MPM: 1/6-1/13

Last week, our menu plan was just that - a plan. Instead we spent the week sick - the whole week. Not a single meal happened as planned. That's life. I'm optimistic that this week will be better. :) I have yet to go shopping - another thing that did not happen last week. But hopefully that will occur tomorrow. Anyway, here is the plan:
Monday: Baked Fish w/Pesto Presto Cilantro, Firecracker Slaw, Fruity Yogurt
Tuesday: Italian Oven Chicken, Baked Potato, Steamed Veggies (broccoli, peapods, & cauliflower), Orange & Apple fruit salad
Wednesday: Omelets w/Cucumber Cilantro Salsa, Steamed Asparagus, Fruit Salad
Thursday: Grilled Steak topped w/Garlicky Greens w/Ginger & Lemon, Salad w/Pears & Apples
Friday: Pan-Fried Fish w/Lime, Garlic, and Kale, Steamed Cauliflower, Apple & Celery Salad
Saturday: Orange Rosemary Chicken, Brussels Sprouts La’Orange, Cooked Beets, Mixed Green Salad w/vinagrette
Sunday: Scrambled Eggs, Turkey Sausage, Fruity Yogurt
For more menu plans, check out I'm an Organizing Junkie. And as always, feel free to check out my recipe blog, ask questions, give ideas, or whatever else... :)
Saturday, January 05, 2008
Calvin was adorable, he came in this evening and I reached over and covered his hand with mine and he kissed it - awww. :) Patrick said, 'Hi' and wanted to show me his mad keyboard skills. :) They both wanted me to read them some books and I obliged. Calvin blew me kisses on the way to bed. What sweeties - I've missed them today!
I'm praying we are done being sick for awhile. Then I can be on to more interesting blog subjects and maybe I can get the rest of my Christmas decorations down and my house cleaned...
I'm off but thanks for all of your kind comments about our room. I've seen alot more of it than I expected this week - I'm so glad it's done!
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
The Reveal Details
We are still waiting for our bed side tables (and then new lamps), our headboard and footboard, and one wall hanging (over the white chairs and bookcase). The furniture is supposed to arrive in the next couple of weeks - I can't wait! Oh and don't mind the box spring showing - we have a dust ruffle but can't put it on until the bed comes. :)
The bathroom and closet are close to being completed but we have had the flu this week and it seriously impeded our progress. :)
This room has to be my favorite that we've decorated. It was so fun watching our (well probably mostly mine but Andrew approved!) design ideas become reality and to create a space that is exactly what we wanted. It's a room that the whole family enjoys relaxing in - we've especially noticed that since we've been sick this week. :) Enjoy the brief tour of our newly found master retreat.
New Year's Resolutions
1) Spend daily time in the Word (go through at least 4 Bible Study books).
2) Read 30 books (nothing compared to Catherine's 116 books in 2007!!!).
3) Excercise at least 2-3x/week.
4) Continue weekly menu planning and average at least 1 new recipe/week.
5) Start work on a family cookbook.
6) Get Kaz adoption pictures printed, organized, and in a scrapbook.
7) Start life books for Calvin & Patrick.
8) Learn to knit semi-proficiently.
Some things I'm hoping for in 2008:
1) Starting the adoption process for our 3rd little blessing.
2) Losing some weight (hopefully the exercise and menu planning will help!)
3) Increased organization!
4) A weekend (or two or three) away with Andrew.
5) A family vacation to a beachy place.
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Our New Year's Eve
We had a small, fun New Year's Eve party (at least until Andrew came down with the flu). We had 2 of my sisters and 1 of my brothers and their significant others. We played Trivial Pursuit, Dutch Blitz, & Play Station (for the guys), ate too much food, and watched the ball drop (poor Dick Clark - that was pretty bad).
I did all of the food. For those of you interested, here's the menu I came up with while standing in the store yesterday afternoon :): cocktail shrimp (they were buy 1 bag get 2 free!), queso, guacomole (well, Liz actually made this when she got to my house :)), and salsa with tortilla chips, bacon wrapped beef smokies, and honey fruit and nut brie w/crackers and bread cubes. I made chocolate fondue (I actually used white and dark swirled chips which made it not quite so rich) for our sweet and served it with angel food cake cubes, shortbread cookies, brownie bites, and strawberries.
We ususally do a bigger party but we have been so busy that I just wasn't up for it and this was the perfect way to ring in the new year. Who knows, it might even become a tradtition!